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S.I.E. RSA 2024

65a RSA - Università di Urbino Carlo Bo

Urbino, 24-26 Ottobre 2024

Friday, 25 October 2024

08:30 - 09:50

Chair: Roberto Tamborini - Università di Trento
Room: Aula 02, Palazzo Battiferri (Piano terra)
Floor: Piano terra

# Papers  
1. Neutral Interest Rate, Covid-19 Supply Shocks and Consumer Behavior Changes in Brazil
By  Cleomar Gomes Da Silva Federal University of Uberlândia    Pedro Prado University of São Paulo and Federal University of Uberlândia    
Presented by  Cleomar Gomes Da Silva Federal University of Uberlândia    
2. Phases of Distributive Conflict and Inflation Spirals
By  Giovanni Dosi Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa    Davide Usula Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa    Maria Enrica Virgillito Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa    
Presented by  Davide Usula Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa    
3. Inflation surprises in a New Keynesian economy with a "true" consumption function
By  Roberto Tamborini Università di Trento    
Presented by  Roberto Tamborini Università di Trento    